2010年7月28日 星期三

Toy Story Thermos Funtainer 到著

2010 年 7 月 28 日, 星期三

經過一個月的擾攘, 糾纏

來自美國 Toys"R"Us 的 Thermos Funtainer 終於到手啦


一早起身, 超興奮去郵局取包裹

一箱八個 Thermos Funtainer, 呵呵 

原先自己只想要一個, 再留一個給草紙

其他的, 留待將來送禮

不過, 看著一大箱的 Toy Story, 又有點點不捨


2010 最新款的 Toy Story Funtainer

大大個 Buzz Light Year



至於七個零一個的 Hello Kitty

訂購之時, 我選的是黑色蘋果款

送來的卻是 2010 的最新款

有少少失望呀, 我想要黑色蘋果呀


至少, 廁紙媽比較喜歡這個粉紅色的 Hello Kitty 呀


看著一大箱的 Toy Story Funtainer

還是超開心, 超興奮

炎炎夏日, 趁著 Toy Story 3 熱潮

拿著 Toy Story Funtainer 喝冰水

一個字, 爽

6 則留言:

  1. 隻杯有幾重呀?
    [版主回覆08/05/2010 10:55:00]比普通水壺重少少, 對比保溫壺, 又算輕

  2. 我都想訂,唔知有冇咩方法可以訂到?
    [版主回覆08/12/2010 21:57:00]香港無, 美國, 加拿大先有, 我係美國 Toys"R"Us 訂架, 不過佢唔ship 香港架

  3. hi, I want to buy these thermos too... :)) If they don't ship to HK, how can you get that?  from friends?
    Is that only keep cold?  do they keep warm too? 
    Thanks ar
    [版主回覆08/14/2010 21:08:00]I placed an online order shipping to my friend's US address, then my friend shipped the package to me. The bottle keeps cold, and it keeps warm too, though it is not suggested by Thermos, because of the plastic straw inside

  4. Thanks!  Wow the postage fee must be very huge!!
    [版主回覆08/14/2010 23:56:00]yes, it's very expensive to ship the bottles to HK, but I like them very much and it cannot be found in HK, then it's worth to do so

  5. Ic...I agree, it is totally cool!

  6. 可唔可以讓一個比我?
